Service (s) Corporate Director (Regeneration) Finance, Community Engagement Select from drop down list      
Portfolio Holder Cllr Langhorn On Target      
Quarter 1 Date of meeting 17th August 2010 Behind Target      
Key actions Issues from Portfolio PRTs - actions identified Failing      
5.2  To implement the council's agreed programmed for Shared Services a nd research other opportunities wherever possible Progress within the council was discussed.  It was agreed that a report be prepared for October Cabinet Meeting to include updates across all shared service activity including the latest position on community pools.        
5.3  To worth with partners to secure the most effective outcomes from utilising Performance Reward Grant monies Noted little progress made within LDLSP on allocating PRG to Big Ticket issues.  Allocations recommended by LDLSP needed to be endorsed and approved by Cabinet.  Need report to October Cabinet to approve recommended allocations.        
Cost of responsive maintenance in Council Housing It was noted that a number of actions had been agreed and put into place:
- improved monitoring arrangements have been agreed with Finance
- further analysis requested on reason for increases in expenditure
- cost reductions will be sought in process of bringing voids back up to lettable standard
- investigate what more can be done to encourage tenants to vacate properties in good condition
Rating appeals - It was noted that officers had been asked to ensure that a process is put in place to enable new rates assessments to be appealed which, if successful, would reduce cost to the council
Gas/electric - AS request had been made for a review of the consumption/cost figures
Parking review - undertake review of parking process to help advise and report on options to deal with the reducing income
Disabled facilities Grants It was noted that a number of actions/issues had been identified for implementation:
- close monitoring and control of expenditure in DFGs with budget reduction
- changes in transfer of Occupational Therapists from PCT to Social Services is slowing down rate of referrals so demand is likely to increase later in the year.
- budget reduction will in turn mean a reduction in income from fees and charges.  This will be adjusted by finance as part of 6 monthly review
Deliver the actions in the Climate Change Action Plan  It was noted that a numberof actions had been agreed :-                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Status update required as to current position in respect of Facilities Management / Energy Management (Energy reduction plans for each building ) and Energy Manager
- Information reqd for Cllr Barry to support the telemetry proposals being considered as part of the green fleet review.
- PRT format does not allow for reporting on air quality via the environment portfolio - consider options                                                                                                                                 - Cllr Barry requested options be developed to consider invest to save projects that can benefit from the changing regulations in respect of renewable Energy and feed in tarrifs.
Food Waste Collection Introduction of the service has been delayed because County are not yet ready to recycle food waste.  No indication as to when service will commence.  However, due to the recycling process if this isn't this Autumn, then it won't be introduced until May 2011.  The Corporate Plan targets for household waste reused/recycled/composted assumed food waste recycling would commence Aug 2010.  Therefore, once is  known when the service will commence targets will need to be revised.  Budgets will also be revised once there is a firm date for commencement.        
Mixed recyclable collection Service introduced August 2010.  Need to closely monitor to ensure efficiency targets are being met        
To deliver the council's agreed contributions to achieve the priorities and outcomes in the Sustainable Community Strategy and LDLSP's Safety Thematic Group action plan Current format of Corporate Plan, business planning, service restructuring and Cabinet Portfolio responsibilities does not allow for performance to be reported to Cllr Blamire in a meaningful way.  Corporate Director, Head of Community Engagement, and Assistant Head (Partnerships) to meet to discuss a way forward        
To continue to work with our partners to deliver the targets in the Sustainable Community Strategy and to bring about other improvements and efficiencies in the way that services are delivered locally Review of Service Level Agreements - update reports to be brought to future PRT meetings.  A list of SLAs to be provided to Cllr Fletcher.  An update report on Connecting Communities to be provided to Cllr Fletcher        
Lancaster District Children's Trust Cllr Ashworth to be kept updated on progress with respect of new support arrangements for district Children's Trusts        
 Heritage and Cultural Tourism for the District, including Creative Industries and Employment Cllr Ashworth to be kept updated on:
-   the progress on the development of the Local Enterprise Partnership and the impact upon the District's Tourism Strategy
-   progress in respect of the Cultural Heritage Investment Strategy
-  Financial position in respect of Community Pools and Salt Ayre Sports Centre to be reported to PRT2 
Financial Monitoring
(Updated figures to be provided to this meeting)
Financial Services - Noted improved investment income figures but additional external auditor costs for elector queries        
  Revenue Services - Noted that it had been possible to keep a number of posts vacant without reducing performance.  This had resulted in a  significant saving above the estimated staff turnover saving for Q1.  The position would be monitored and taken forward as the shared service with Preston developed        
  Information Services - It was noted that further savings were likely in respect of telephones and printing.  The position would be monitored.  It was noted that it was likely there would be further savings in respect of staffing as a result of not appointing to a number of vacant posts        
  Community Engagement - It was noted that additional income would be generated from the delayed demolition of the Dome as it had been possible to enter into a contract for the summer use of the site by a playground operator.  However, the delay had also meant that there were increased costs in respect of keeping the Dome for this period.  It was noted that NNDR revaluation had added additional costs to Salt Ayre and that this is likely to be experienced through the council's building portfolio.        
  Democratic Services - it was noted that by-elections had meant increased expenditure but that was more than matched by savings in staffing and Members allowances.        
  Legal and HR - The most worrying matter was the recent changes in respect of charging for searches.  These changes would result in a significant loss to the council in income and this could be made worse if provisions to apply this retrospectively weren't changed by lobbying or met from central government.  The position will be monitored.        
PI No Description of indicator 08/09 Outurn 09/10 target Good is ? Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Year to date Status Target owner Commentary (highlight significant achievements or ongoing risks)        
  All Place Survey Indicators                 Select from drop down list   It was noted that following changes in legislation some of the corporate health indicators were now obsolete.  It was agreed that this be  highlighted in the Leader's Corporate monitoring report to Cabinet and that a report into council to make the changes to the Corporate Plan would be needed.

It was further agreed that individual corporate health indicators should be allocated to the appropriate individual cabinet member's PRTs for Q2 onwards
CH7 Reduce the number of days lost to sickness absence 12.06 9.days low 2.47       2.47 days Behind Target ST It was noted that action had been agreed to use Risk Mgt monies to enhance Occupational Health provision - was also noted that HR are drafter a report on how existing HR policies can be amended to bring about improvements in managing sickness absence.        
Local Continue to reuse/ recycle at least 50% of all bulky household waste collected  62.12% 50% high 57.50%         Behind Target MD Number of bulky matters jobs down from estimates but action is being taken to reduce expenditure and try to increase income. In recycling terms though both tonnage saved from landfill and % reused / recycled has increased compared to Q1 last year        
Action Plan Agreed actions Status update        
Quarter 1  See Attached sheet          
Quarter 2            
Quarter 3            
Quarter 4